Équipement d'application de mastic d'étanchéité polyuréthane à deux composants
La machine Gluestream FIPS 2.1 SEALANT CNC est conçue pour l'application de mastic d'étanchéité en polyuréthane dans la fabrication de portes métalliques, composites ou d'autres produits multicouches qui doivent être collés.
Machine is made in a form of CNC unit combined with two-component polyurethane pump station, specialized adhesive application head, mixer.The operating area can be submitted in a form of stationary table or automatic coveyor feeding system, according to the customer's requirements. Machine provides the precise application, dosing and mixing of two-component polyurethane sealant on the preсonfigured application layout using G-code system.
All Gluestream machinery is equipped with a remote access module, providing the customer with 24/7 online internet support.
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